Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A Ray of Hope: Civilization to the North

Legislation fully legalizing equal marriage rights across Canada has passed the House of Commons and faces no other significant hurdles, effectively making it law.

Merci pour les bons mots, Real Menard:

"It's about the right to love," Real Menard, a Bloc Quebecois lawmaker who is gay, said after the vote. "When you are in love, things are different, and everyone is entitled to that."

So who's next? Washington state? California? New York? I say we're due for some better progress than Civil Onions... let's get another marriage state. Let's do the work.


Blogger massmarrier said...

I keep waiting and watching for New York and New Jersey to legalize same-sex marriages. We might end up with a gay-rights Northeast. Surely the We(s)t Coast folk in California and Oregon would follow. They have a history of progressive politics, mixed with that other kind.

You must wonder what the Republicans and anti-gay types will feel and do when there are gay marriages in Canada, both coasts, and in Europe. Perhaps even a married homosexual head of state will require a kiss and handshake.

It's in the works and I truly believe that eventually people will say, "What was all the fuss about back then?" Meanwhile, you're right though, this is a key struggle that we can't just sit out.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Ryvr said...

Sorry for the delayed response...
We're definitely on the same page with this. Some GLBT activists think we should back off on marriage... but how can we argue for any rights or dignity if we are not making the point that we fully deserve *equal* rights - including equal marriage.


6:21 PM  

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