Thursday, August 04, 2005

SETI and Socialism

Strong weight of scientific evidence should have led us to expect to have detected, certainly by 2005, radio evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy. That we apparently have not could have any number of possible explanations, but there is one that is deeply troubling because it is particularly plausible and frightening.

It is highly likely that there have been up to millions of civilizations in our galaxy that have developed technology at least as advanced as our own. That we have not detected them raises the distinct possibility that very few of these civilizations survive long past the point of such technology; perhaps when a species develop the ability to destroy itself with instruments like the nuclear bomb, or even
more devastating possibilities, it may be only a matter of a few decades before they do so.

I doubt that I am one of the only people who feels that it is of the most profound importance that our species survive and grow into a civilization of greater kindness and love. But we are almost completely lacking any broad impulse to discussion of
action that could lead to our survival and true progress of the spirit. And it is too dangerous a time to have a dark age; but a dark age we have.

Stalin may be one of the largest to blame. The 19th and 20th centuries flourished with vision and idealism, but men obsessed with their own power, who later twisted and perverted some of the best ideas our species has ever had, have given ammunition to those who believe we cannot do better than a cold, heartless capitalism.

Arise comrades! We have little time to establish Socialism, Peace, and Democracy across the globe lest we all join the large, cold graveyard of the galaxy.


Blogger massmarrier said...

Excellent sentiments, Ryvr. I'll try to shift a bit more that way.

Lately, I have been of the thought that our planet has always had ways of cleansing itself and balancing itself. I hope that you are right that we are not an infection, rather headed toward a greater future.

What is your view on humanity's evolution? Our seeming inability to reject bellicosity and imperialism sadden me. Putting garments on apes does not advance them emotionally or intellectually.

Perhaps the accurate view is between your post and my cynicism. I recall a snippet from Gibran that runs something like, "The first thought of God was an angel. The first word of God was man." He was forever an optimist and would refer both the humanity's flaws and its capacity to improve.

We can do that personally and encourage others, eh?

7:29 PM  
Blogger Robert said...

Nice thoughts. Like the little train that could, we as humans must think we can. (And feel we can too!)

7:52 PM  
Blogger Ryvr said...

Thanks to both of you, mass marrier and rob whitlock for the positive comments. I have been hearing more people talking about finding some kind of optimism to drive ourselves individaully and as a society... it is inspiring.


3:08 PM  

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