Monday, March 14, 2005

The DaVinci Code

I finished reading Dan Brown's The DaVinci Code last night. The plot is quite gripping and it's an exciting read. The writing is very good, extremely strong technically, and just short of excellence with a self-consciousness of style that just falls short of the greats.

I'm aware of an abundance of attempts to "debunk," "refute," and otherwise to show ruffled feathers over this fictional novel by certain conservative Christian circles. I would have expected far more falsehoods pushed as facts or something more shocking than the book contains. It is simply fiction which takes appropriate liberties of narrative, and weaves a tapestry of fact and conjecture well-grounded in historical and theological evidence.

But we are in a new dark age where fact is irrelevant and truth is the enemy. Mary Magdalene, pray for us.


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